About Us

People living with disabilities have always wanted to live on their own. Unfortunately, due to their disability, income level, and a lack of affordable and accessible housing in Toledo, their housing options were severely limited. In fact, a home of their own, in a neighborhood of their choice, seemed like only a dream.

In the Spring of 1992, a new organization was formed which would finally make the dreams of persons living with disabilities a reality.

Preferred Properties, Inc. was created in May, 1992 from a collaboration between the Lucas County Board of Developmental Disabilities (LCBDD), and the Ability Center of Greater Toledo (ACT).

Also referred to as “P²”, the corporation is a charitable 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization.

The founding organizations saw the need to establish and support a not-for-profit housing development corporation that would focus exclusively on the creation of housing opportunity through a variety of housing programs for persons with disabilities. The corporation would develop its housing in such a way that persons living with disabilities would be effectively integrated into communities and neighborhoods. Preferred Properties, Inc. began acquiring units in October, 1992.

The corporation is governed by a devoted Board of Directors. The housing programs are operated by a committed and highly skilled, professional staff.